The best cardiologist doctor says that a festival is the best time when you will enjoy all the festivities without worrying about anything. When the festivals will come, we all always feel excited and joyful and we don’t take care of our health and fully indulge ourselves in the celebrations. On the occasion of festivities, every corner of the street is filled up with sweets and snacks shops and family members also cook together a variety of delicious sweets and snacks.
It is the time when we forget about a healthy diet and healthy eating practices which may sometime leads to serious issues or give serious diseases like heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and more.
Fasting: – In India there is a tradition to fast on every occasion, additionally it is a good practice to keep the heart healthy because during the festive season strict fasting can help you to stay away from unhealthy food and sweets and it is good especially if you are already diagnosed with serious diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Strict fasting can also help to lower blood pressure as per the best cardiologist doctor.
Avoid Unhealthy Foods: – The cardiologist doctor says that people who have a family history of diseases like heart disease and diabetes are at a high chance of diagnosing with serious health issues. A healthy diet basically helps to lower blood pressure and other major diseases. But little bit you can also enjoy sweets and snacks by keeping an eye on the portion size and also by getting the necessary precautions to take after eating this.
Avoid Alcohol and smoking: – Many people drink alcohol and do smoking to celebrate the party and festivals with friends and family and some drink on regular basis without any occasion too. But if anyone has a family history of diabetes, heart disease, and other major health issues they should avoid drinking on the regular basis. But especially it is necessary to avoid during the festive time because this time of duration we already not follow any healthy diet plan and follow a healthy lifestyle. The festive time is the time when many people get affects by some serious diseases. It is suggested by the best cardiologist doctor to not drink too much. It can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.
Inadequate sleep: – Good and quality sleep is very important to keep the heart healthy. Especially during the festive time late-night parties and loud music is a part of enjoying and celebrating the festivals. But usually, it can cause disturbance in the sleep cycle, raise the stress level and also increase the chances of diagnosing some serious diseases.
Precautions to take during Festive Season
The precautions which are necessary to keep the heart healthy during festivities suggested by the cardiologist doctor Dr. Siddhant Jain are: –
To enjoy the festive season while maintaining and staying healthy Consult with the cardiologist doctor Dr. Siddhant Jain