Cardiac or heart diseases like heart attack, angina, heart failure, hypertension, arrhythmia, palpitations, chest pain are on a great rise in today’s time. Treatment of these involves drugs for heart diseases as well as tests like ECG, Echocardiography, Holter, Treadmill Stress test or TMT, Angiography and Heart Surgery like Angioplasty , Bypass Surgery, Pacemaker Surgery etc.
It is a challenge for practicing senior heart Specialist to keep themselves updated and abreast with the latest and best treatment. To fulfill this need cardiology society of India keeps on doing regular scientific meetings and conferences.
Indore Chapter of Cardiology Society of India (CSI INDORE) recently organised a 2 day mega conference with the name of cardiac update 2018 at hotel Radisson Indore on 24th and 25th February 2018.
Dr Siddhant Jain , DM Cardiology. Apollo hospital Indore was the organising secretary and Dr A Pancholia was the organising chairman. This meeting was enthusiastically attended by cardiologists and doctors from all over Madhya Pradesh including doctors of Indore, Ujjain, Dewas, Barwani, Khandwa, Khargone, Pithampur, Dhar, Dhamnod, Mahidpur, Barnagar, Jabalpur, Gwalior, Bhopal etc.
Senior cardiologists of India like Dr Satish Manchanda from AIIMS Delhi, Dr Praveen Chandra from Gurgaon, Dr Rajeev Gupta from Jaipur, Dr Ashish nabar from Mumbai and Dr P C Manoria from Bhopal came as faculty and spoke on various topics related to Cardiology.
Dr Siddhant Jain who is also the secretary of CSI Indore spoke on Latest Blood Thinning Drugs and their role in preventing blood clots and his talk was appreciated a lot by doctors.
Here are some glimpses of that 2 days mega conference Indore Chapter of Cardiology Society of India (CSI INDORE)